How Should a Portrait Look? Like a Painting or like a picture?

It's been a while... 😩. 
Sincerely, it takes a lot to multitask. I'ld try and be more consistent this time. This would be my first post this year, by the way, I lost my mum last year, two weeks to Christmas 😢. 

So, to the topic I want to address, I won't really be addressing it, I just want to express my own line of thought and know what you think.
Portrait painting is one of the oldest expressions of art and it still remains one of the focal points in the art of painting. From the classical style of painting to the impressionists era, the style and expressions of the artists in relation to the times or movements they lived in were evident in their expressions in portraiture. 

With the invention of photography, some may have thought that painting will take the back sit, however, it still retains it's relevance as something stands out when you see a painting, the brush strokes and colour all show the presence of life. It however, behooves me when photography now becomes a yard stick for determining a successful outcome of a portrait painting. Should a portrait "painting" look like a photograph?🤷🏾‍♂️. 
I believe a painting is defeated when all you can see is a perfect "photo replica" of another photo. Why not do a photo enlargement? 
I believe there is a reason why you love a painting, but when it comes to portraiture, some people seem to forget that it's still a "painting". 

Left to me, I would love to have a portrait painting that I can send to auction houses. It's a painting àbí?😏

So let me know what you think in the comment section below.


  1. It's something that has to be feel or seen aesthetic,and the artist emotions or expressions,must be seen in the so called, portraiture painting,not a graphical want that,you contact the photographer....

  2. Technology has taken many aspect of human nature. The paints and brushes will remain the true nature for painting. Painting (portraits) is a way of expressing yourself what you see and think in your own way as an artist without restricting yourself to any photograph.

  3. I like my portraits loose (not too complicated) yet original. Not forgetting that, we are at a point in history where there is a fancy for hyperealistic paintings (portraits inclusive). I owe it to myself not to be altruistic (my art is firstly for me and secondly for others) cause trends are unstable.

  4. I make pencil portraits - for now. And I currently work in the genre of hyperrealism.

    U have well said that portrait painting was before photography. So I think that there's still no harm in trying to represent a drawing or painting such that it looks exactly like a picture. Art speaks to people differently. And if someone derives a priceless amount of joy in pushing him or herself to recreate something as clear as a photograph, I think it should be appreciated too.
    I think what really matters is my style, my story and the influence I hope to make on those who come across my work of art.


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