Use Acrylic? Here are some tips to Achieve that Oil effect.

My previous post centered on why I use acrylics as my medium for painting. Today I will be sharing some tips on how I use the medium and how you can still achieve that "oil" texture while using acrylic.

1. Change your mind set: One challenge one may have is the thought of "I am painting with acrylic" or "I'm more comfortable with oil", this can in turn create phobia for the medium. So tell yourself, oil or acrylic, they are all mediums and should not dictate how your work should look. Lord over the medium and bend it to your taste.

2. Use hug brushes: If you really want that "oil feel" then you have to start by treating acrylic like you treat oils. Use the same brush you would use if you are to paint using oil. Use hug brushes.

3. Use a gel medium: This is however optional, though I have used it once but I don't like the time I take to prepare the colors when using gel medium, I just can't wait to get the work going. Gel medium works just like the oil medium, it delays the drying time, increases its sheen, and allows it retain its initial shape when you want an impasto effect, it can also be used as a separator when vanishing. When used in painting, you mix it with your colours and you are good to go. However, if you use a professional colour, it may still get this same effect without the gel medium.

4. Load your brush: For me, I load my brush with colours when painting, it gives the work essence and makes it fluid when it is finished, it creates the illusion of life that is seen in an oil painting, I understood this from the works of Rembrant and Leffel. Don't be afraid to load your brush, enjoy the fluidity and release your self to the flow with reckless abandon, howbeit, with some level of sanity and control, don't be afraid to make that mistake.  

5. Vanish: This gives the work that final touch and sheen, it breathes life into the work and protects it.

These are some of the techniques I use when painting, I hope it has helped a little. Do well to share yours in the comment section so we can all learn. 


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