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A Microcosm of my Artistic Journey (The colourist era)

My journey through the university was somewhat adventurous, it was a whole new terrain where we had to paddle the canoe ourselves. What kept me in the game was curiosity and certainty, giving the fact that we had to compulsorily take courses from Theatre, Music and Visual art, though that was in our first and second year. It took God to keep my head straight 😩.  Well, I was sure I wanted to Paint without any shadow of doubt but the little problem was how? We were green horns from secondary school, we had only little knowledge about painting. Well, I had tried my hands on some water based mediums due to curiosity and my love for painting. I also, once saw a professional painter, though from a distance, he had a studio in the same compound with a family that I and my mum do supply "Kunnu", I was in secondary school then. Anytime I go to supply Kunnu , I will stay outside the studio and observe how he works those strokes 😍. I didn't know that was Sam Ebohon the...

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