Build up vs Final painting

I started this work with spontaneity and great anticipation, I had what I wanted in my mind, albeit, I allowed the painting dictate the flow. I loved what I was seeing. The brush work, the fluidity, the looseness and unpredictability of the work; but as much as my artistic instinct was saying "hold it right there and sign it!" My mind was saying, "no? I still need to touch here, there and there". 

Of course, my mind prevailed 😩.

It takes a whole lot of courage to stop a painting at that stage. I probably felt that I haven't paid my dues to that extent 😁. Personally, I believe that one thing that makes one a master of the arts is the ability to discern "where to stop". Every artist learns this during the course of his artistic journey or should I say, the artist grows into it.

So I continued the painting, since there are no "undo" buttons in reality 😩. I am somewhat satisfied with the finished work, but I am still in love with the build up. 

Have you had this experience lately? Share your experiences in the comment section.

"the clown's dirge III"
Acrylic on canvas
72" x 48"


  1. I feel I've had the feeling of this before in my cases I just need to finish up to make the audience have a fuller understanding of my context

  2. I think you have said it all in your post. Same experiences for me.


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