"moment of truth"
Acrylic on canvas
60" x 72"

The journey into creation could be interesting and adventurous, especially for abstract expressionists but can be very frustrating for an impressionistic-realist 😩. I once got a painting to the finish line, only to develop cold feet at the verge of finishing the painting. Something just wasn't clicking, I had it wiped off and painted something else over it. This always gets my wife angry, knowing the amount of work and materials that go into a painting. 
It shouldn't be a big deal if I wipe off a painting or should it? 🤷🏾‍♂️ 
An artist, most times, is not satisfied with the out come of his or her painting but there is something the clicks, what I may call, 'conviction' or confidence in a painting. On the other hand, when the artist has no conviction in a painting, it may take a third party to force the artist to sign, even after signing, the artist still feels the same way. At times, I take the painting out of sight for a long time, so I can look at it anew. This may work sometimes but the typical me would have wiped the work before you say 'jack' 😩. 

Is this a weakness I need to fight or a normal thing?


  1. Hmmmmmm.... It's indeed a great question which only you can answer Sir. No one else

  2. For me, I always come to this conclusion instinctively and calculatively. Sometimes, I consider these variables before wiping: If I do not like it, but a client likes it the work stay. This could take weeks or months. Othertimes i wipe immeditely (Spontaneously) once I'm not satisfied with the piece (no matter the cost of time, effort and materials used in creating the painting). Its normal, cause things do not turn out the way we expect it all the time, how do we manage such situation?

    1. Hmmm.... Though some say it's better to leave it and start another piece, you may look at it after sometime and it will make sense 🤔.

    2. Yea! true, because we can be very emotional which means we can become spent emotionally which affects the way we react to or perceive our work. it's better to leave the piece for some time. That's the most logical thing to do. In retrospect I remember when I was younger I would just wipe the work impatiently.

  3. Temperaments differ. Just go with the flow and do what makes you happy. Art is not objective, neither does what makes you happy today guaranteed to make you happy tomorrow.

    Well done Ezekiel!


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