
The pertinent issue of consistency cannot be put aside in the journey of any artist. One question in the mind and heart of any artist is, "what style should I paint?", this we addressed in the previous issue. However, the other question is; "Am I to continue this style?", this, I believe is a wrong question for the young artist. We are always under the pressure of maintaining what made us popular or famous. This can be an advantage for a master or one who has gone to the sincere process of metamorphosis but to a young artist, it's 'putting the cart before the horse'. Consistency in the art should be based on how patient and diligent an artist is through the course of his or her career, how he or she is able to stay and practice. Don't put yourself or your art in a cage of 'satisfying the mob', explore new boundaries that is true to you, practice, practice, practice. Stay in the game. People will always see the similarity in your works; at least "your signature"😄.
Most importantly, stay true to yourself but do not despise hard work.
Good morning. 
Let me know what you think about this. 


  1. Absolutely true, style is a natural evolution through the long term career path of a young artist, and it's only birthed through consistent practice and dedication...


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